This is us at our annual camp at Tasman Rides.  We have two camps a year,  one for the beginners at our awesome Pony Club grounds on Greens Road and a bigger camp for the more confident riders at a venue elsewhere.  We try and go somewhere that hires out horses for the Mums or Dads of the club that usually miss out on the riding.  It is great fun and one of the reasons we like Silverdale Pony Club.


Hi everyone this is me Megan on my old pony Choysa.  We got Choysa for my older sister Jaimee when she was 9 years old, that was 10 years ago.  Choysa is now in her thirtys and my little sister Nikki will be riding her this season at Silverdale Pony Club.  Nikki will be seven years old soon.  Choysa shares her paddock with my new pony Sweetie and Jaimees big hack Hamish.  We all love pony club.  The instructors are awesome and I've made some neat friends.